学生会、社团 & 组织


在PBA,有无数的机会让你的选择引领你. 在学生会, 他们可以引导你理解如何做出改变,为他人服务. 在学生组织和俱乐部, 它们会让你找到真正的朋友和真正的激情, 是什么让你找到了你的使命. 无论你选择在PBA做什么, 你会发现你注定要在这里, 被选为领袖.

Students from the business administration BSBA program walk along the intercoastal in 西拼搏体育.


Make the decisions and take the actions that strengthen your community by being a part of student government.

所有的俱乐部 & 组织

Cultivate more knowledge about 会计 and introduce students to the many careers and opportunities available in the field.


Promotes improvisational talents and humorous entertainment; auditions required.

赤女分会的成立是为了促进卓越, 增长, 并为拼搏体育戏剧系服务.

Providing a relevant marketing experience for the students of Palm Beach Atlantic.

The purpose of the PBA 护教学俱乐部 is to train Christians to give an answer to everyone who asks for the reason for our hope in Christ (1 Pet. 3:15),用基督教的证据说服外人(林后3:15). (徒20:24)又将神恩典的好消息传给他们。.

继续在课外学习课堂上没有涉及的艺术形式. 团结PBA学生与艺术文化和服务社会.

提供社交, 学术, and career support to black and/or minority business students enrolled in the Marshall E. 林克商学院.

Uplift and educate minority students to be confident in their personal and global endeavors.

An international collegiate service organization that is a service leadership program of Kiwanis International.


以不懈的努力, 我们利用尖端技术和模式的力量, 大胆而动态地分享我们的知识. 我们不只是赋予我们的成员权力——我们挑战并改变他们, ensuring that every student is equipped to lead in a rapidly evolving financial world. 在一起, 以信念和创新为支柱, 我们正在塑造未来商业格局的巨人.

Our mission is to give modern students a deeper view of the historical human experience through the fears and desires expressed in gothic literature.

To engage and learn about the passions and intricacies of Hispanic culture to those willing to learn

The International Business Students Association’s mission is to: (a) provide students with a better understanding of international business practices; (b) promote international and cultural awareness; (c) promote interaction with international and exchange students; (d) inform students about the Marshall E. 林克商学院’ various international study abroad opportunities; and (d) provide social and professional development opportunities in the context of international business.

To provide PBA students with the opportunity to learn about investing and hear from local business leaders. Participants will learn the basics of investing and be able to learn from managing the simulated portfolio.



To create a place where students can apply their knowledge about International Politics and History, 获得外交活动的实际经验, 作为世界公民的形式, 发现他们可以改变世界.

The NHSDA recognizes students with outstanding artistic merit and 学术 achievement while advancing dancing as a field of 教育.

We honor God by supporting Catholic students on the PBA campus and by welcoming non-Catholic students who wish to participate in our events and explore the Catholic Church.

在上帝之爱的指引下, the Pickleball俱乐部 is dedicated to nurturing a vibrant community where members come together, 不仅仅是为了玩和掌握这项运动, 而是为了培养深厚的友谊, 相互尊重, 共同的信仰.

学生将写, 读, and workshop creative pieces with other fellow students to create a fun and safe space encouraging creative minds. 我们将探索诗歌的每一种体裁, 从粗体和自由诗到优美的抑扬格五音步. 来这里阅读和写作,或者只是来听和玩!

To promote unity among Pre-Health students, and to discover health-care-related opportunities. Consider joining the club if you plan on pursuing a career in the medical or healthcare field. A community of like-minded pre-health students will come together to hear from pertinent guest speakers, 与医科学生建立联系, 并与研究机会联系起来.

Unify students pursuing a career in law and provide information and aid in that pursuit.

The mission of the 拼搏体育 chapter of Psi Chi is to provide resources, 教育, 伙伴关系, and community for PBA’s high-achieving psychology and behavioral neuroscience students. Not only are we dedicated to providing excellent leadership and scholastic opportunities, 我们致力于为社会服务, 最终, 成为主忠心的儿女.

To initiate meaningful relationships and spur intellectual conversations and activities regarding psychology.

To provide an opportunity to meet people of all different running levels to run as a group and host fun events throughout the year.



帮助在校园里传播保守思想, 以及促进言论自由, 批判性思维, 和美国理想.



PBA’s 卓越中心 give you the real-world experience you need to lead with faith anywhere across the globe.

组 & 学校或项目的机会

PBA的毕业生通过追随自己的使命,无论走到哪里都能产生影响. 在不同的领域和学科, our students bring the wisdom of deep faith in Christ to solve problems and serve communities. 无论上帝选择了你什么,你都可以在PBA追求它.

艺术 & 人文学科

Explore your love of history and political science or present your work at conferences through clubs and honor societies.

自然科学、数学 & 计算机科学

Explore nature from the Everglades to the Galapagos and take part in the Teachers Teaching with Technology conference.


实践创业, 金融, 会计, 通过以商业为重点的俱乐部和荣誉社团进行营销.

教育学院 & 行为研究

与Kappa Delta Epsilon一起培养信仰和卓越的教育, 荣誉教育兄弟会. (仅限邀请.)


用信念治愈, 寻找实习和实习机会, and explore career opportunities through PBA’s nursing 组织 and networks.


兄弟会, 组织, and honor societies give you unparalleled opportunities to gain skills and leadership experience.


Try a new sport, develop your leadership skills, and work for change locally and globally. Every opportunity on campus is a chance to become the full person you are meant to be, 为更大的目标而活, 并与他人一起加强你的信仰.


Get outside into the fresh air, get some exercise, and build friendships that change your life.



Develop the skills you need to reach your fullest potential as a Christ-focused leader.





任务 & 部门

培养人与人之间的联系,使改变植根于基督的爱, 在PBA的校园和世界各地.





10月. 2024年10月3日至5日

晚上7:30 - 9:00





对SAIL或它的任何项目有问题吗? 我们位于拉西特学生中心的二楼. 你可以 电子邮件我们,或致电(561)803-2585或(561)803-2661.